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the Italian collective of young visual artists for the community! for the business and Mostrami that's interested to young artists? your artistic project! Let's build together Are you a company Subscribe to Mostrami collective! Click here! Are you an emerging artist? artistic projects? Click here and subscribe to our newsletter! Do you want to know all our and portraits on commission We offer a service of murals

Mostrami is an online gallery of contemporary art that brings together young artists and social projects; it involves over 1,300 artists, numerous partner companies and institutions and more than 30,000 people in its community of art lovers

Mostrami was born to reunite young artists (pittori, scultori, fotografi, street artists e videoartists) alle aziende che credono che l’arte e la cultura possano essere un importante driver di crescita culturale, economica e sociale attraverso:

    • un ampio ventaglio di servizi ed eventi studiati ?ad hoc? per ogni azienda nostra partner
    • una serie di contest, bandi, iniziative ed eventi artistici promozionali dell?intera iniziativa che ha avuto inizio a Milano nel 2010
    • this web platform, a showcase for young talents (painters, sculptors, photographers, street artists, videoartists).

Do you want to buy the works of a young artist on this website? Write us at; saremo felici di darvi tutte le informazioni che desiderate e di seguirvi passo passo per l’acquisto.

What we do for the partner companies:

  • diamo la possibilità alle organizzazioni pubbliche e private di realizzare propri progetti ed eventi artistici “ad hoc” (mostre, murales, installazioni, performance, contest), allestire i propri uffici con le opere dei nostri artisti nonché di sviluppare progetti di Corporate Social Responsability che a vario titolo coinvolgano l’arte e i giovani talenti (premi, concorsi, bandi);
  • we support social and charitable projects of other partner organizations. Download the presentation of our artistic services for companies.
  • we offer a service of murals and portraits on commission